What Best Vitamin to Heal Anal Fissures (A, B1, B2, B3, B12, C, D, E or K?)

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There is nothing wrong with taking home remedies for treating anal fissure. Vitamins specifically, may be able to help take care of the symptoms or even help cure the anal tear. So what exactly is the best vitamin to heal anal fissures? Here are a few possible effective treatments.

Can vitamins A and help heal anal fissures?

Vitamin A’s ability to promote cell growth may help in healing a cut. This is why creams containing vitamins A and D may also prove helpful in the treatment of fissures. The cream may be directly applied to the anus.

Is vitamin B complex helpful in treating fissures?

According to some experts, a deficiency in vitamin B5 is one of the possible causes of fissures. In which case, supplementing with this vitamin may help. The skin may heal faster by taking 500 to 1000 mg dose of this vitamin every day. Experts recommend taking 100 mg of vitamin B complex with an extra or separate dose of vitamin B5 to help treat anal fissures. As a matter of fact, vitamin B complex is best for individuals suffering from chronic fissures.

What can vitamin C do for fissures?

Vitamin C is most popularly known as an immunity booster but it may be able to do more than fight off free radicals and protect the body from diseases. In fact, among the top recommendations for fissure home treatments include the intake of freshly squeezed lemon juice mixed in warm water every morning.

Experts say this remedy is essential for healthy bowel movement. The mixture helps cleanse the system, eliminate waste and stimulate peristaltic action. In addition, vitamin C has anti-inflammatory effects. All these benefits can help in relieving the symptoms of fissures.

Patients suffering from fissures are advised to take plenty of vitamin C. It may be better if the vitamin is taken in the form of sodium ascorbate. Taking vitamin C along with magnesium citrate and zinc acetate may be extra helpful too.

Is vitamin E good for fissures?

This is another beneficial vitamin for the treatment of fissures. The use of this vitamin can actually help promote faster healing. It can be taken orally or applied externally. For external use, a vitamin E capsule can be cut and applied to the mucus membranes. Wash the area first and use a cotton cloth for the application.

Can vitamin K cure fissures?

Some patients talk about taking vitamin K as a natural remedy for fissures. Crohn’s disease and chronic diarrhea are some of the common causes of fissures and they come as a result of vitamin K deficiency. Supplementing however, may not be necessary unless you are deficient in this vitamin. Otherwise, consuming leafy green vegetables rich in
vitamin K may be enough.

Vitamin K may not be able to help cure fissures or its painful symptoms. However, taking enough vitamin K can help prevent the reoccurrence of anal fissure.

If you want a natural remedy, these are the best vitamins to heal anal fissures. To be safe however, it is best to consult your doctor first before taking any kind of supplements.

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