Top 10 best sports and exercises to get rid of anal fissures

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Surgery can do so much in treating an anal fissure. However, a person still has a lot to do in making sure that the wound is fully healed and no other fissures will be formed. Below are the top 10 best sports and exercises to get rid of anal fissures.

Bath Exercise

Provided that one has a bathtub at their home, this exercise involves sitting in the tub (in warm water, if preferable) while contracting the sphincter muscles as if excreting refuse. Doing this in an interval of 3 minutes would have a massaging effect on the sphincter which would relieve it of a considerable amount of pressure.


The act of moving the legs continuously in a slow yet steady pace can help blood circulate around the anus, ensuring that the fissure heals as quickly as possible. A regular walking route will also help the body relieve itself easily without forming hard stools.

Breathing Exercises

Usually performed on aerobic and yoga programs, breathing exercises work best by contracting the anus while inhaling and exhaling. This helps the body reach a relaxed state where tense muscles can be relaxed.

Leg Tucks

Lying flat on the back, a person has to bend their right leg at the knee and tuck it to their torso. With the leg tucked, the person has to hold the position for a few moments, release, and the same on the other leg and alternative for 20 times per set.

Kneeling Back Stretch

Popular amongst the yoga crowd, this is considered one of the top 10 best sports and exercises to get rid of anal fissures as it involves kneeling down while standing on your knees and stretching backwards to touch the feet with both hands.

Triangle Stretch

This exercise involves standing straight with feet a mater apart as the body bends alternating between left and right to touch the ground. While one hand is touching the ground, the other is stretched upwards.

The Bow Curve

This exercise involves lying prone on the stomach while bending the legs and arms upwards to touch the thighs. With the entire body resting on the abdomen, hold the position for 5 seconds.

Household Chores

Any activity that involves movement from the waist down from mowing the lawn and vacuuming the home can help the anal muscles relax while promoting a better digestion.

Moderate-Level Exercises

Activities that include working up the body at the waist and the legs, which include running and basketball, can help the sphincter muscles relax while the person releases energy. In some cases, it can help promote better bowel movements as the person would be inclined to relieve themselves after a strenuous round or two.

Aerobic Exercises

Arguably one of the best of the top 10 best sports and exercises to get rid of anal fissures, an aerobics exercise can help the person work up all muscles in their body including the anal muscles. A daily fitness program will also promote a better blood circulation in the anal muscles, ensuring that the fissure would quickly heal up in a matter of weeks.

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