Laxatives for Anal Fissure Treatment

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According to medical studies, the exact main cause of anal fissure is still not yet clearly identified. However, constipation is definitely one of the factors that can contribute to the formation of tears in the anorectal lining. Constipation causes too much straining and pressure to the anal sphincter muscles. Too much contraction of the anal sphincter muscles can cause fissures to form. In addition to this, passage of hardened stool also causes trauma to the anorectal lining. Frequent trauma to the anorectal lining also causes tears. Existing fissures cannot be completely treated if such factors will not be eliminated. If chronic constipation is the main cause of your anal fissure, laxatives for anal fissure treatment can help to address the problem.

Laxatives is one of the main treatments for constipation. Laxatives may come in oral and suppository types. There are different types of laxatives. The types vary depending on their mode of action to treat constipation. To address your constipation, it would be best to learn the mode of action of the different laxatives so that you will know which one best suits your condition.

The first type of laxative is the bulk forming laxatives. This is the most common type of laxative used to treat constipation. It acts by lubricating and softening the stools. In this way, the stool will be easier to eliminate. This will prevent the person from too much straining during his bowel movement. It may take several hours to days for bulk laxatives to take into effect. Some may act as early as 12 hours after taking the medication while some may take as long as 3 days. Some bulk forming laxatives came from natural sources such as agar and psyllium. However, there are also those that have synthetic components such as methylcellulose.

The second type is the stimulant laxative. Its mode of action is to stimulate the muscles of the intestines to contract and therefore to expel the stool. It is the bacteria of the colon which is responsible in transforming the stimulant laxatives into compounds which can increase the contractions of the intestines. Such type of laxative is also effective in attaining stress-free elimination patterns. However, constant use of such kind of laxative also has its own disadvantages. Overuse of stimulant laxatives may affect the nerve endings of the colon and may aggravate the condition.

Laxatives for anal fissure treatment that may help to treat constipation and prevent anal fissure from forming are the Emollient laxatives. This kind of laxative is popularly known as the stool softener. Its mode of action is to soften the stool by increasing its water content. Such kind of laxative does not cause bowel stimulation. It is just used for smoothening the passage of stool through the anorectal canal which also prevents trauma to the tissue lining. This also helps in preventing too much straining during bowel movement. People with existing anal fissure and hemorrhoids can greatly benefit from this type of laxative.

Saline laxative on the other hand act by attracting water towards the intestines. This will result to softening of stool. In addition to this, it can also stimulate the intestinal muscles to contract. The buildup of pressure within the intestine will lead to softer and smoother bowel movements. Examples of Saline laxatives are Phosphosoda and Milk of Magnesia.

Although laxatives work wonders in the treatment of constipation, natural stimulant for bowel elimination are still the best solution for such bowel conditions. Increase fluid and fiber intake and engaging to regular exercise are still the best methods to achieve regular bowel patterns. Laxatives may only aid you to achieve a smoother bowel experience for some time to prevent your anal fissure from worsening. But it should not be the main solution or treatment.

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